Buffalo Gap Heritage Audio Tour
Old Town Buffalo Gap
Corner of East and North Streets
Welcome to the historic heart of Buffalo Gap. In the late 1800s, these streets were lined with bustling businesses, general stores, saloons, and even a few places of… questionable legality.
By 1874, Buffalo Gap was the county seat of Taylor County, meaning all official business took place here. Merchants, attorneys, and settlers made this a thriving trade hub.
But with that success came a fair share of trouble—there was no official law enforcement at first, and justice was often handled with a quick draw and a quicker temper.
In 1883, Buffalo Gap’s reign as county seat came to an end when Abilene—backed by the railroad—won the title. Overnight, businesses, officials, and records moved out. Many buildings here faded, but Buffalo Gap remained a stronghold of history.
Today, some of the original buildings have disappeared, but traces of the town’s wild frontier days remain.
Take a moment to imagine the lively voices, the sound of horses clopping on dirt roads, and the occasional gunshot in the air.
Now, let’s travel to a different kind of gathering place—where traditions still thrive—the Old Settlers’ Reunion Grounds.