Bison Grocery Store - The Original Role in Native Life
March 16, 20252:00 pm
Presented by Abilene State Park
Long before supermarkets and corner stores, the bison was the ultimate provider for Native American tribes across the Great Plains. Every part of the animal was essential for survival—its meat offered nourishment, its hide provided warmth and shelter, and its bones were transformed into tools and weapons. Even hooves and sinew played a role in crafting glue and bowstrings. More than just a resource, the bison was sacred—a lifeline that sustained generations.
Join Abilene State Park for this fascinating look at how Native Americans honored and utilized every part of this magnificent creature, ensuring nothing went to waste in their deep connection to the land.
Buffalo Gap Historic VillageCourthouse
133 N. William StreetBuffalo Gap, Texas 79508325-572-3365