Our Supporting Businesses
Partnering with the Buffalo Gap Chamber of Commerce is more than just an annual commitment—it’s an investment in the heart of our community. Whether you’re a business owner or a resident, your membership is the best way to connect with neighbors, customers, and local leaders. It’s also the easiest way to give back, supporting events and activities that enrich our quality of life while keeping you engaged in the conversations shaping Buffalo Gap’s future.
We also welcome personal memberships, which are a fantastic way to champion our community, stay informed on local topics, and support family-friendly events that bring our neighbors closer together.
C4 Fuels
Copa at the Gap
Gap House
726 Vine St. 79508
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Halligan Services
Midway Plumbing
1017 Energy Drive 79602
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West Texas Watersports
Buffalo Gap Hardware and Supply
P.O. Box 729 79508
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Ellis Island Management
Paul Johnson & Associates
4633 S 14th 79605
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Hatchett & Co Real Estate
725 Ballinger St. TX 79605
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Jim Ned Post
P.O.Box 674 79508
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