Weekly Fireside Chats: Montie Guthrie - Penatuhkah, Commaches Who Called the Central Texas Home
March, 25, 20252:00 pm
The Penatuhkah were the most powerful of the Texas Indians during the zenith of the Texas Horse Culture, blocking the expansion of the Texans north and west. Learn about the Comanches who lived here.
About Montie Guthrie:
Born in Santa Anna, Texas, in 1947, Montie Guthrie graduated from Tarleton State College in 1969. For fifteen years, he followed road construction as a carpenter to the metroplex and to New Orleans, returning to Coleman County to be a self-employed residential and commercial design/builder. He received the Master’s in Counseling at Tarleton State University in 1993 to be Counselor at Santa Anna ISD. He retired in May 2012 and served as SAISD District Testing Coordinator half time as well as Adjunct Instructor of Government at Cisco College in Abilene until 2019. He is Chairman of Santa Anna Historical Development Organization, Secretary of the Santa Anna
Foundation, and Executive Director of the Penatuhkah Trails Partnership.
Buffalo Gap Historic Village Courthouse
133 William StBuffalo Gap, TX 79508